Join GLA’s database of over 1000 volunteer attorneys who provide legal assistance to artists, arts organizations, and inventors across the state!
Due to the volume of calls and demands for services, GLA is always in need of new volunteer attorneys in a variety of practice areas.
How do I become a volunteer attorney?
Just fill out the Attorney Volunteer Form and let us know what kind of cases you would like to receive.
Do I need malpractice insurance?
GLA requires all its volunteer attorneys to be covered by legal malpractice insurance. In-house counsel, fear not! Our insurance now covers malpractice insurance to attorneys who volunteer for our clinics or take pro bono cases!
What about clients that do not qualify for free legal services?
We frequently have clients who do not qualify for pro bono services but come to us because they know we can refer them to attorneys who are experienced in art and entertainment law, intellectual property or other relevant practice areas. We handle these cases in much the same way as pro bono cases. We will complete an intake, assess the needs of the client, and when appropriate, make calls to experienced member attorneys to see who may have the time to assist this client. If you are interested in assisting the client on a paid basis, we will provide the client with your name and number, and then the client will contact you directly. GLA does not get involved in negotiating fee arrangements.
What is the difference between volunteer and member attorneys?
Under our new Attorney Membership program, attorney members gain several exclusive benefits, depending on your level of membership. Check out our new benefits here!