Arts Cases Available for Placement
August 15, 2024
Interested in taking on a pro bono case with GLA? Please contact us at:
Thank you to Michelle Simpson from Poe Simpson Law,
Shielle Smith from Cole, Scott & Kissane and Abbie Cook from The Sladkus Law Group for taking a case since our last newsletter and to James Dean of Parks Chesin & Walberg PC for taking two cases since our last newsletter.
N6181-1-5: 501(c)3 Status Sought
Client is an Atlanta-based creative writing organization that brings together writers, readers, and literary enthusiasts. Client was formed as a non-profit corporation in 2014. Client seeks assistance with filing for tax exempt status as well as updates to its articles and bylaws appropriate for 501(c)(3) status.
A5391-5-K: Contract Interpretation & Negotiation Assistance
Client is a long-standing nonprofit that functions as a multidisciplinary art incubator by hosting workshops, producing original works, and displaying these works in public spaces. Client has established co-op commercial space for artists as a means to attract and retain local talent. It recently purchased a floor in a commercial building. The space has been flooding and causing damage to the tenants' property and preventing the tenants from conducting business. Two tenants have left due the water issues. Apparently, the flooding is a result of landscaping and hardscapes installed by the seller (AP) prior to the sale. AP occupies the upper 2 floors of the building. AP has been working to try to remediate the issues, but has suggested Client retain counsel to assist in the process. Client seeks review and advice of their rights under their purchase agreement and in law, and assistance in a reasonable resolution of remediating the issue.
N6178-1-M: Non-Profit Needs Visa advice for foreign actors
Client is a non-profit incubator for fine arts who supports new work or processes through space, network, connections, and resources.
Client does not produce productions but instead focuses on proof of concept. Client's current project involves an international exchange and it wants to bring 2 guest artists to Georgia to participate in a theatre workshop. Client needs assistance in determining the best visa option and assistance in applying for the Visas.